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30M2DW III - Day 22

It's Only A Dream

I took my .44 Magnum from the bottom dresser drawer, fingered the hallow points into the clip, pumped the clip into the gun and stuck it into my pants, dropping the front of my Hawaiian shirt to hide it. At least I thought I'd hidden it.

"Oh, Studly," purred Dylan, "Are you glad to see me or what?"

"Very funny, Dylan, it's my Magnum."

"That's not the Magnum I saw last night" she cooed. "I hope you won't tell me it's only a dream."

"No honey last night was real enough that's for sure."

You know Dylan really made it difficult for me to keep my mind on my work but as much as I wanted to stay and play I knew what I had to do.

After our little distraction I quickly got dressed and hopped in my car. I had seven more days to wrap up this case and frankly I was getting a little tired of it dragging out as long as it had, not unlike the three-week mark of certain internet mid-winter writing challenges.

I was due to meet with Chief Silver in half an hour and I was going over in my mind how the case had unfolded to date.

I pulled my Pontiac into the precinct parking lot and pounded the pavement to the building's prominent front entrance.

Pauline, the police interface with the public, sat behind he plexiglass partition and gave me a wink as I padded by. (For some reason all of a sudden I had to go pee.)

"Hold up there, Jack. If you're looking for Silver he's not in."

"But we've got a meeting. I need to talk to him about this case.:

"Sorry, boy-o, them's the breaks."

"Do you know where he is?"

"No idea and he didn't say when he was coming back."

Strange, I thought, that's unusual behaviour for a copper like Silver. 

I wonder what's up.

Maybe he's out celebrating the Canadian Olympic men and women's hockey teams' defeat of the Americans?

If you wanna know what's up bounce on over to We Work For Cheese and check out how everyone else has covered off today's prompt.


nonamedufus said…
I think the men's and women's American hockey teams were hoping their games were just a dream…and not a nightmare.
ReformingGeek said…
You had to P. Haha. Good one.

[Insert snarky comeback about Canadian Olympic athletes here.]
Cadeaux said…
I was thinking all along that Dylan was a guy. My daughter's best friend's name is Dylan...and he's a guy.
nonamedufus said…
Well all those words starting with P, eh.

(I'm really sorry your hockey players suck.)
nonamedufus said…
You mean you couldn't tell from my writing? Oh my. No, Dylan's definitely not a guy.
Cadeaux said…
Didn't want to judge. I was okay with Dylan being a guy. :)
Cadeaux said…
I've been transported to the "Seinfeld Zone". :)
nonamedufus said…
You know what they say, "You don't sell the steak, you sell the sizzle."
frankleemeidere said…
Pontiac. My favourite make of car.
nonamedufus said…
My Dad had a Strato Chief when I was a kid, with a bench front seat that came in handy when watching the submarine races.
Linda R. said…
My daddy was a Pontiac/GM man, and my first car was a Firebird.
nonamedufus said…
Wow, lucky you! Mine was a Volkswagen Beetle.
Margaret said…
Oh, way to "stick" it to us about the hockey.
nonamedufus said…
But that was my "goal".
Linda Medrano said…
Okay, is the having to pee in reaction to all the pissed off Americans? Or is it having that big old Magnum you have to haul around all day?
nonamedufus said…
Either one would work. It's actually because most of the words that preceded it began with "p".
"Maybe he's out celebrating the Canadian Olympic men and women's hockey teams' defeat of the Americans?"

That's what they WANT you to think. But just like the first landing on the moon... it was all staged.
Nicky said…
Pretty powerful prose, punny man. And why not celebrate that we sent the 'Mericans pucking? :-)
nonamedufus said…
You mean it was only a dream? What a lovely dream.
nonamedufus said…
That's what I wrote and I'm "sticking" to it.
meleahrebeccah said…
in my head, I just heard the law & order "dunt-dunt" sound!
nonamedufus said…
Me too. Thanks. That's high praise indeed.
Sorry, boy-o... that there's some fine copper talk, even if it wasn't from Silver.
nonamedufus said…
Studly's not copper talk!

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