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30M2DW III - Day 6


When last we checked Izzy Amigo and I had shared a plate of cheese and a bottle of tequila while he gave me his thoughts on who murdered his bothers, the 3 Amigos. Izzy Amigo? No, not really, just an acquaintance who gave me some information.

But I couldn't sit around Rover's Rump much longer. Another drink would surely put me under the table and in that case I'd be a sitting duck for Boom Boom. Boom Boom? Just the most stubborn chick out of Rochester. And when she gets a bee in her bonnet, look out. It'll sting her and she'll strike out at the closest thing to her. I'd heard she was tracking me and she wasn't happy. My first clue? She carried an ax. Hey, give me some credit. I'm a detective.

But enough about that and back to our story. I stepped purposefully up the neatly-trimmed sidewalk of 77 rue Sunset, on the French end of the strip. This is where Izzy's cousin Jhurigo Hugo lives. Hugo is her married name. 

The door swings open and I take a step back. My God, it's the girl of my dreams. Lithe, big-busted, long-legged, blonde…need I go on. And then she speaks.

"Oh, you must be Inspector Gadget. Izzy told me you'd be by. How are you? Would you like to come in? Hot out isn't it? Oh, look at that cute squirrel. What are your thoughts on global warming? Terrible the things they're doing in Canada's tar sands isn't it…"

And on and on she went. She didn't stop, just jumped from one thing to the next as if she were Roger Rabbit.

She introduced herself: "I'm Mrs Hugo but you can call me Jhurigo."

Honey, I thought, if it weren't for that motor-mouth I'd go Jhurever you would go. 

"Well, not Mrs Hugo for long. Only until the divorce goes through."

Ding, ding, ding, ding…an alarm was going off in the far reaches of my brain and in the not so far reaches of my body.

I think she was coming on to me. Scatterbrained or not, the next couple of hours might prove to be interesting. Probing as we say in the detective business.

Are the adventures of Jack Gouda cheesy enough for you? Get yourself over to We Work For Cheese and see how the rest of those poor sods are coping with today's prompt.


Tami Von Zalez said…
I guess that sorta passes as erotica - so you've fulfilled one of Nicky's fav writing styles ...
nonamedufus said…
I live to fulfill Nicky.
nonamedufus said…
Well, I'll do my best. But a guy can only take so much probing.
nonamedufus said…
They never learn do they?
meleahrebeccah said…
HA!! I know someone in real life that talks JUST LIKE Mrs. Hugo!
nonamedufus said…
Um, the names in my story have been changed to protect the innocent.
Nicky said…
I foresee an eventual How To Become A Crazy Cat Lady With NoName blog in the near future. :-)
ReformingGeek said…
Well, um, things might be looking up.
Linda R. said…
Oh I think you nailed scatterbrained with the soon-to-be ex Mrs. Hugo. You'd better watch out, she may be looking to become Mrs. Gadget, I mean Gouda.
Probing? Just be sure not to probe if you find yourself scatterbrained... It can be dangerous!
MalisaHargrove said…
Probing indeed! Looks like your dick (detective) is finally getting lucky. Hope Boom Boom doesn't catch you. She has that ax, you know? Never know what she may chop off.
Unknown said…
Uh-oh...the femme fatale. And I'm not talking about Boom Boom! Or am I...?
nonamedufus said…
No, that wasn't one of them.
nonamedufus said…
You never know. It sounds like it might have promise. And I'm not just kitten around.
nonamedufus said…
She's a character, isn't she?
nonamedufus said…
For a gouda probe call Jack.
nonamedufus said…
Yeah, she might cut of her nose to spite her face. (What the hell does that mean, anyway. And why would someone do it?)
nonamedufus said…
Oh, um, hi Nicky. I didn't see you there.
KZ said…
Oh my, the puns just turned blue. I love the fact that your story is starting to intertwine with Boom Boom's.
Shawn Ohara said…
Stubborn chick? Any relation?
nonamedufus said…
She stated it. I merely followed.
nonamedufus said…
Sorry you had to find out this way. Yeah, she's your half-sister.
nonamedufus said…
Remember Leave it to Beaver? Remember the Beav's mom? That's who Boom Boom reminds me of… Mrs Cleaver.
Margaret said…
Call me crazy, but Jhurigo sounds like your femme fatale. :)
nonamedufus said…
Absolutely, Margaret. Very good. Anybody named Jhurigo Hugo (where I go, you go) has got to be a femme fatale.
Dufus... is there something bothering you? I suppose you're worried that all that smart stuff in your family got worn out before it came to you.
I'm only tracking you so I can have a safe place to hide from Nicky until I can pick up another car. (And you know the ax is only for bloggers I've never met. After all, I left it in the car the last time I visited.)
I'd have to brush up on my puns first.
Not to worry, Malisa... it's only for splitting wood, not splitting hairs with Dufus.
You're both stubborn fools! Ergo, if I'm related to one, I'm related to both of you!
nonamedufus said…
Yeah, right. That was a long way to go in order to get to that joke. Ax…cleaver...
nonamedufus said…
Well you're safe enough here. Nicky doesn't know where I live. Funny, you think she'd have visited by now.
nonamedufus said…
Hey, a foolish three-way… I mean triangle.
nonamedufus said…
At least I still have my hair.
nonamedufus said…
Well it would make for a fuller post, Boom Boom. (Remember Fuller Brush?)
Careful... you're showing our age again! (Yes, I DO remember the Fuller brush man coming around... or maybe that wasn't who it was. I always wondered why my little sister didn't look like the rest of us.)
Well, I found out this week that I don't need chemo, so I guess I get to keep my hair, too!
Perhaps "June" should become my nom de plume.
Hey, I'm camping in the Thousand Islands again this summer... I could come pick you up and we could both descend on her instead.
nonamedufus said…
I like how you think, Paula.
nonamedufus said…
Ha, ha, yeah. It's probably much more appropriate than Beaver.
nonamedufus said…
Paula, that's great news! Well done.
nonamedufus said…
And your mom had scores of free hair brushes?
There were an awful lot to comb through when my mom died.
Yep! Radiation begins on the 24th... just in time for my head to explode on the 28th. (I also found out I can get away with only three weeks of radiation instead of the six they originally told me I'd need.)
That Fuller brush man got around.
P.J. said…
Well... you really are going all over for this case.

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