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30 Days of Photos III - Day 17 Coins

Wander over to Ziva's for a change and see the rest of today's pics.


Barb Paige said…
now that's a lot of coins!
nonamedufus said…
Aw, it's just small change.
Pat Kumicich said…
watcha gonna do with all that loot?
nonamedufus said…
One day I'll roll them and take them to the bank. Or use it to pay my taxes.
Laughing Mom said…
Wow! You've just got jars of money sitting around?!? You're gonna roll them!?! - Rolling in dough, aren't you!?!
Ziva said…
Jeez, dufus! You were begging me to send you some money? You have a ton of it!
nonamedufus said…
I hate carrying spare change around in my pants pockets. So I throw them in jars. They add up.
nonamedufus said…
Damend by my own photo. Shit.
Jayne said…
Wow! Are all those coins yours? How much time do you spend each day polishing them? And can I get a loan? ;)
nonamedufus said…
Canadian coins are naturally shiny. I don't have to polish them at all. I charge a pretty steep interest fee, Jayne, but I'm sure we can work something out.
Cheryl said…
Love that you're spare change is in jars. There's something about the look of all those colored pieces of metal seen through glass that makes me smile. I keep all my real copper pennies in an old milk jar and my 'found' coins in an old teddy bear shaped glass that used to hold sugar.
nonamedufus said…
We have plenty of mason jars that Mrs D uses for jams and relishes. If I could fill a "quarter" of them, I'd be rich.
Linda Medrano said…
Damn! I do like a man with money!
nonamedufus said…
Back off, Linda. I won't be contributing to the Medrano shoe fund.
Impressive international collection of coins there, Dufus! (Are US coins as hard to get rid of in Canada as Canadian coins are to get rid of in the US?) Maybe we could trade a few.
meleahrebeccah said…
Oh snap. That's a whole lotta change!
nonamedufus said…
Sometimes change is good.
Jamie Baker said…
I see all that blogging is starting to pay dividends...
v said…
money, money, money. you are loaded!
Nicky said…
Pssst, Dufus. There's a 'merican dime mixed in with the real money in that second jar.
nonamedufus said…
Shhhh...don't tell anyone.
Shiny shiny shiny coins too! I love this photograph!
MikeWJ said…
America rocks!
MikeWJ said…
I once read about a guy who had so many pennies it was breaking his house. I hope you're that guy.
nonamedufus said…
Bright sunshine through the window helps.
nonamedufus said…
I wondered why my house listed to the right.

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