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30 Days of Photos III Day 8 - Hair

Look for the rest of the fools participating in this over at Ziva's.


Barb said…
nice beard & stash!
nonamedufus said…
Time for a trim, maybe.
Pat Kumicich said…
looks like 50 shades of grey to me!
nonamedufus said…
I think we've moved past grey.
wow. there are post subjects about everything!
Cheryl said…
Along with your eyes, this is my favorite part of your face. Love your smile, Mr. D.
Junebug said…
Kenny Rogers made me grow up with a thing for men with beards. Hello! Wink.
nonamedufus said…
Aw, shucks. If I'd taken a picture of my face it'd be blushing right now.
nonamedufus said…
Oh, I've been called everything from Kenny Rogers to Colonel Sanders and a few things in between.
Cheryl said…
Then my work here is done.
nonamedufus said…
You mean you're work hair is done?
meleahrebeccah said…
I love your facial hair. And that says a lot - because normally, I don't like facial hair at all. But yours just suits you so well!
nonamedufus said…
You know today's Thanksgiving in Canada. I'm thankful I can actually grow hair after all the chemo I've gone through. And it comes in handy in winter, too.
ladyV said…
a hairy chin. and yeah you kind of do remind me of kenny rogers, at least your hairy chin. nice one.
nonamedufus said…
I've also been referred to by some as David Suzuki. But what do they know?
Ziva said…
Oh my, what a manly beard you have! I'm going to have dreams now..
Linda Medrano said…
That is a pretty beard! Not the straggly kind at all! It's all plushy!
nonamedufus said…
Manly, yes, but you like it too...
nonamedufus said…
A pretty beard? Somehow that sounds at odds. Only a woman would have a pretty beard. But most of the women I know don't have a beard at all. Weird, eh?
nonamedufus said… for me.
Margaret said…
Hello Kenn--, er, Colonel--er, Dufus!
Indigo Roth said…
Hey Dufus! This man is distinguished! (Friend of yours?) Indigo
Laughing Mom said…
That picture just makes me smile!
Paula Wooters said…
Want me to trim that for you with my ax, next time I stop by?
nonamedufus said…
Yeah, yeah, yeah...
nonamedufus said…
He's very distinguished and I know him very well!
nonamedufus said…
In a good way, right?
Excellent shot and VERY HANDSOME INDEED! Wink from over here too!
MikeWJ said…
You and I have too much in common, NoName. Nuff said.
MikeWJ said…
Oh, I would've posted a shot of my beard, too, if I'd known you were handing out winks like candy.
MikeWJ said…
She's Finnish, and may not understand that reference, NoName. I do, though. Clever.
MikeWJ said…
Pat gets the best comment of the day award.
Jamie Baker said…
Every Girl's Crazy 'bout a well groomed Dufus! I'm totally jealous, Noname. I've worked for the last 13+ years at a job where I can't have facial hair. When I'm done, I'm going Billy Gibbons.
nonamedufus said…
It's that same sons of different mothers thing again, I know. Or is it different sons of same mother? Or is it we were both adopted? Damn, I'm confused. I was drinking some of Paula's hair of the dog.
nonamedufus said…
I can get used to this wink thingy, I think. Wink, wink.
nonamedufus said…
Here's the reference, Ziva. I actually think you have to be Irish to get it...
nonamedufus said…
It was a good one, wasn't it.
nonamedufus said…
I got that ZZ Top reference. Love it. It's ironic the guy with the shortest facial hair in that band is named Beard, don't you think?
Coco said…
I see a dog in this hair. Nicely curled and have some colors. Nice photo!
nonamedufus said…
Did you have to turn the pic upside down or something? And it curls itself. I run a comb through it in the morning and I'm set to go.
nonamedufus said…
Oh, yeah, Mike, like you need more candy.
Lauren said…
Very debonair. I love it! My husband had a beard while we were dating then shaved it off on our wedding day. It was a bit of shock. I married him anyway.
nonamedufus said…
Debonair, eh? So then you don't see a dog or anything in it like some other people I know?
Lauren said…
Like stuff in clouds? No, but I see bread crumbs. You should probably watch out for low-flying birds.
nonamedufus said…
You know, sometimes when I eat part of the meal stays in my beard and I get to enjoy it all day long.
Lauren said…
LOL! My husband used to say something like that when he had his bear.

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