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30 Days of Photos III Day 13 - Calm

Henry says to drop by Ziva's for more calming images today.


Cheryl said…
I was so confused when I saw this cutie's face in my reader. I thought this was Boom Boom's post. Henry is such a sweet boy and Paula has great knees.
nonamedufus said…
Their visit was a very calming experience...well, except for the axe.
Cheryl said…
Yes, the axe would kinda harsh my mellow too.
Danielle Batog said…
Gotta love a face like that.. no question.
nonamedufus said…
I never actually saw it. She might have been fibbing.
nonamedufus said…
Absolutely. He was so well behaved.
Pat Kumicich said…
No one could remain angry, edgy or uncomfortable with a little guy like that around to cuddle.
nonamedufus said…
Oh, I think Henry is a very calming influence.
ladyV said…
pets are calming. i have a cat but love to watch my fish swim around.
Cheryl said…
Boom Boom wouldn't fib. I'm sure there was an axe in her car somewhere.
nonamedufus said…
I'll bet your cat likes to watch the fish too.
nonamedufus said…
Well, I'm sure there was an ax-le.
Cheryl said…
This is tiring, isn't it?
Ziva said…
Awww! Dogs are incredibly calming. Sadly, I only have cats, and they're likely to kill you in your sleep. Never a calm moment.
nonamedufus said…
We have a cat. I hate our cat. That's why I posted a pic of Boom Boom's dog.
Paula Wooters said…
Hahahahaha! Sadly, he's not as calm this morning... he's trying to help me write this by pawing at the keyboard.
nonamedufus said…
Oh, that must be ruff on you.
Laughing Mom said…
Awwwww! No bone to pick with you today!
Jamie Baker said…
I read something recently about pets having a myriad of benefits in people's lives. I'd say you are in good shape, Noname.
Paula Wooters said…
Let me just set the record straight... the axe was in the car!!!! Do I have to actually bring it out next time to keep you in line?
stoneskin said…
I've missed you buddy. I even tried to comment before disqus managed to load, for old times sake, but I know how much you hate that and didn't want to spoil the calm.

That dog aint calm though, I can FEEL the latent energy. The illusion of calm before the storm.
Paula Wooters said…
Ziva... seriously? Didn't you notice my picture from Day 11? That dog HAS tried to kill me in my sleep... by insisting on sleeping on my face.
Paula Wooters said…
Ruff! Ruff!
Kevin said…
I love dogs. :) Great picture too!
mike said…
Cute pooch. Dogs are very calming, as long as they're not licking me.
nonamedufus said…
We don't have a dog. And the cat goes in the basement at night.
nonamedufus said…
He's a guy, right, not a grrrrr-l dog.
nonamedufus said…
I got nothin' to come back with. For a minute there I really had to paws.
nonamedufus said…
He's the cutuest dog I've ever seen. But he's Paula's.
nonamedufus said…
I'd be in better shape if I owned that dog.
nonamedufus said…
Mo, how have you been buddy? long time, no blog. Well you'll have to talk to Paula. He was only visiting when I took his picture and he was the poster dog for well behaved.
nonamedufus said…
Me too, but he was only on loan.
nonamedufus said…
So now that you've lost your cat are you gonna get a dog, Mike?
nonamedufus said…
No, no, that's fine. I'll take your word for it.
MikeWJ said…
That's a pretty leggy pup you've got there. Nice.
MalisaHargrove said…
Henry is too adorable! But that cute pup can't fool me. There is nothing calming about Henry unless he's asleep!
meleahrebeccah said…
Oh my goodness. I cannot handle the cuteness.

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