Captain Picard?
Well, whoever. This guy made it, so, he's definitely gone where no man has gone before.
Wouldn't you say?
You wouldn't?
Then what would you say?
By the way, this is a first for Pause Ponder and Pun. Our pic has been sent to us by a fellow interweb interloper. Yeah, Screaming Me-Me sent me this. You remember Me-Me? Funny former blogger from arid Arizona? Yeah, that's her. No, no not in the picture. She sent me the picture.
Never mind.
Hey, if you want to send me a picture leave me a message on Facebook or e-mail me at
We'll see you Saturday.
Picard: I think it's time to try some unsafe velocities.
I can't take credit... I looked it up.
Praetor Shinzon: I was lonely.
Didn't ask, for her permission
I'm wearing her clothes,
her silk panty hose.
Walking around in women's underwear."
(Lyrics courtesy of Bob Rivers)
What? 'Tis the season to be Molly.
Little fabric joke there. Get it?
Ok. I'll go away.