I've tried snorting coke but the bubbles always get up my nose
I snort Diet Coke because I want to keep my girlish figure.
Purple Pamela used to do speedballs, but they made her stop sticking her head in front of the pitching machine. Then she tried moving on to horse, but wouldn't you know? Another concussion when it kicked her.
Finally, evidence that Coke's competitors tampered with their product before asking the public to take the Pepsi Challenge
Whitey (from *spits* Toronto)
But it was a previous winner and a former colleague of mine who had me snorting (laughing, that is - hey, humour's a natural high!)
Harold Camping's disciple NostrilDamus confirms end of the world!
Way to go Ray. You be hangin' with the Dufus this week. I would have thought that after all those years of working together you'd be tired of hangin' out with me but, hey, what the heck.
And congratulations to the rest of you deviants. Whether you were mentioned or not I sure appreciate you playing along.
Click on these folks' links and visit THEIR blogs. And if you'd like to talk to Whitey and Raymond who don't have blogs stay tuned. I'll be passing along their private phone numbers so you can call them collect!
hee hee
And congrats to the honourables!
I had forgot I submitted a comment (frakkin' Blooooger), but I do remember thinking she kinda looks like Courtney Love.
You do remember Mad Magazine - they had those "fold-up" back covers? I forget the caption, but it referred to Nostradamus' skills at predictions. When ffolded, the pic showed this monster-type thing picking its runny nose.
Fun times.