I don't want to raise any red flags, here, but that animal's in trouble. And that's no bull, folks.
Okay, we got the right day this week. Wednesday, right? That's a good sign. The adjustment in my medication must be working.
Leave a caption in the comments and mosey on back here Saturday to see who won The Hangin' With Dufus Award. Se y'all then.
Oh, hey, speaking of awards I won the Golden Phallus Award last week. I know. Like I need another Golden Phallus...award! Anyway I won Mad Mad Margo's caption contest last Saturday. You can click through to my Awards Page and click the link there for the details.
Don't forget to try out Margo's caption contest this week. You can try Kirsten's contest too, although she hasn't given me an award lately.
You put your left horn out
You put your left horn in
And you shake it all about
You do the toreador pokey
And you get stuck in the ground
That's what its all about!
Arriba arriba!
Ay yi yi!
OMGawsh even your word veri is in espani! SUELE
Matador: "This time you can trust me, I won't pull it away, I give you my word."
Bull: "His word. A man's only as good as his word. I guess if you have a man's word, you can't go wrong. Maybe this is the year I finally gore that cape."
[Bull runs to gore cape, but Matador pulls it away]
Bull: "Aauugh!"