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These Captions Crack Me Up

There were some great captions this week.  Here are some honourable mentions.  Cat Lady got in a good crack (get it?) this week with...

How Dumbo's ears got on Sidney's ass we'll never know.  Now the only question that remains is, "Where is Dumbo's trunk?"

Mike had me bent over in laughter with...

Professor Emeritus had an unusual way of demonstrating that, just like a pebble tossed in a pond, a seemingly small event can crete ripples that have catastrophic consequences.  But nobody ever forgot the lesson they learned that day.  Especially Bob, who eventually learned to sleep standing up. 

And Tgoette was right on target with...

As the new face of Fox News, Sarah Palin expected a certain degree of hazing by her co-workers.

"...And that's for making us lose the election, bitch!"

But our overall winner was...guess who?...Moooooog! with this shot..

Revolutionary War historians reveal the actual source of the 'shot heard round the world'.

Way to go Moooooog.  You and me be hangin'!!!

Congratulations everyone.  Those were great captions.  Keep an eye out next week.  I may even run the contest on the right day!


Me-Me King said…
Ahahahahaha, good one, moooooog! Congratulations on another win!!!

Hey, Dufus - stop by The Screaming Me-Me for some really BIG-ASS news!
nonamedufus said…
Me-Me: Golly, what could you be talking about, Margo?
Anonymous said…
Mooog35 is gonna need to a whole blog dedicated to his captioning talents!

WTG Mooooog35! You always "crack" me up.

Sorry Nomie, I stole your line.

nonamedufus said…
Quirks: It's a good line. I'm honoured.
Donnie said…
Meh...moooooog. I could have beat him if I really wanted to. He needs some support though.
nonamedufus said…
Don: Yeah, beat him with a stick.
Moooooog35 said…
Thanks, noname!

Been a while. I almost forgot what it felt like.

That's what she said.

That makes no sense at all.
nonamedufus said…
Moooooog: I thought you'd lost your touch. That's what she said. Congrats.
Me-Me King said…
Ahahahahaha, good one, moooooog! Congratulations on another win!!!

Hey, Dufus - stop by The Screaming Me-Me for some really BIG-ASS news!

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