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Sunday Funnies


Shawn Ohara said…
It has been a busy week.
Paula Larew Wooters said…
I wish somebody would remind me what my passwords are. Can't wait until next Sunday to see what headlines we can generate at #lostmyliverpalooza. (I'm just about ready to head out to the Thousand Islands, so I'll be going dark now until I darken your doorstep.)
Bryan G. Robinson said…
I'm pretty much staying in the house today sans armed guard. No fee. :)
nonamedufus said…
Oddly enough though ebola viruses and the whole middle east situation isn't very funny.
nonamedufus said…
I hope you have good weather, Paula. Are you sure you can do 1000 islands in six days?
nonamedufus said…
It's getting that there's fewer and fewer places one can travel to. And who wants to take a plane lately?
Jayne said…
I'm so jealous. Wish I could be there. Raise a glass (or several) for me. :)
Jayne said…
Is Putin just the dumbest fuck ever? Colbert did a great bit on that this week. Another great collection, Duf. What a world.

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