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Sunday Funnies


Thanks for the sobering reminder about Memorial Day with that one cartoon. No. Really. Thank you. We all need to remember that.
nonamedufus said…
We don't have Memorial Day in Canada. We have Remembrance Day on November 11. But same thing here - people are happy to take the day off without really thinking why it's a holiday. Kind of sad.
Indigo Roth said…
Hmmm. Hitler annexed the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia in October 1938, claiming if for ethnically-German Czechs who were being discriminated against. Putin annexed the Crimea region of Ukraine in April 2014, claiming it for ethnically-Russian Ukranians who were being discriminated against. So, clearly, there are NO similarities. It will be interesting to see if Mr. P will subsequently take the rest of Ukraine. Just like Mr. Hitler did in Czechoslovakia. Ahem.
nonamedufus said…
Hey, Prince Charles reportedly made the comparison...not me.

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