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Sunday Funnies


Anonymous said…
I am glad to be a visitor of this perfect web blog ! , regards for this rare info ! .
Nicky said…
Nice selection Dufus! I especially liked the last one..."unreasonable force"!
Rosebud. Bwaha. Sorry, loved it...not everyone would get that, though. *I* of course did! ;)
00dozo said…
Ha! All good but the fascinator cracked me up.
nonamedufus said…
That budget stuff in the States is scary. If they can't resolve it it's bound to have an effect on us.
nonamedufus said…
I never had any doubt you'd get it, UP.
nonamedufus said…
It's funny how everyone has their own favourites. Lot of good ones to choose from this week.
Ziva said…
Hah! These are hilarious, even for us living on the other side of the great pond. There's nothing I love more than a good laugh at America's expense.
nonamedufus said…
Well, as long as it's not at Canada's expense. Living next door to America we already have enough identity issues.
quirkyloon said…
So funny Nomesters! The fascinator one really had me rolling. And I wasn't sure if I should laugh or be offended at the Citizen 'Murdoch" Rosebud remark. hee hee No need to be hatin' on classic movies, ya know? hee hee
nonamedufus said…
I loved the fascinator one. I really laughed over that one. And that woman looks so much like Kate, don't you think?
Chris13Foy said…
Aww...It is so funny.. Sorry dude I can't stop laughing now.. The another thing beside this I want to say that the message from this post are really excellent.

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