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Discovery Dude Dies, Kate Plus 8 Safe For Now

Last week there was a story about some guy who, unhappy with the Discovery Channel's programming, armed himself to the teeth, stormed the network's headquarters and took several employees hostage. But it all ended well. Police shot the guy to death.

This guy was apparently upset with Discovery airing the program "Kate Plus 8". Woo-hoo. Kate haters unite!  He also wasn't too keen on the show "19 Kids and Counting".  I'm telling you, this fella had it bad - worse than my friend Don over at Beyond Left Field who absolutely hates kids...and cats...and dogs...and, uh, just about everyone...and, ah, everything.

Hey, what happened to hubby? Did he get a show too?

But let's get back to Mister moron, here. The guy was obviously a cheese curd shy of a good poutine. Sorry, that's a Canadian reference. How about...his elevator didn't go to the top floor?  He was a brick shy of a full load? He wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer?

You think I'm being unkind? According to a website he kept (the guy was a blogger?!) he called on Discovery to air "programs encouraging human sterilization and infertility".  (Don, is this guy related to you?)

Not only was this guy armed like Rambo but he had several bombs strapped to his body. In a telephone conversation with the media he said he built the bombs in about three weeks. "I did a lot of research. I had to experiment." Now, tell me, just how does one "experiment" with bombs. KA-BOOM, yeah that one works.

On his MySpace page the guy said one of his heros was commander James T. Kirk. Oh, sure.  That he'd say this on MySpace was appropriate. To use another sci-fi title, this guy was obviously lost in space.

Imagine, taking such drastic measures just because you don't like a television show. What a loser.

What's that? They're renewing American Idol for another season? Jennifer Lopez has signed on to be a judge?



Alan Burnett said…
"a cheese curd shy of a good poutine". Love the phrase. Can't wait to slip it into conversation.
commoncents said…

I like your blog - keep up the great work!!

Common Cents

ps. Link Exchange??
nonamedufus said…
Alan: Yeah, I like that one too.
nonamedufus said…
commoncents: Thanks for the kind words. Glad you enjoyed it.
cardiogirl said…
I read about that guy and while it's supah crazy that he took hostages and then was killed I had to laugh that the reason why he did it was because he was sick of shows about children.

It's called a remote, dude. Use it.

But Discovery does need to dump Kate and the kids. Maybe Oprah will take it off the schedule when she takes over.
Anonymous said…
I watched Kate Plus 8 for a few minutes the other night and this is what went down.

Kate wearing a glittery top with the neckline so low that her boobs were sticking out and somehow she managed to have her boobs peeking out on the sides of her top as well.

AND she was running around in New York City with the this "top," shorts, and HIGH-HEELS.

For that reason alone, I would want to load a gun.


hee hee
maybe he was auditioning for his own reality show, "who wants to be a suicide bomber?"

trouble is, you never get to live your 15 minutes of fame, because you're dead.
Unknown said…
Alan said what I was going to say.....cheese curd...I laughed out loud. And I never heard about this guy, thanks for keeping me up to date!
vickilikesfrogs said…
I seem to be developing a "thing" for Canadian bloggers. Strange, but true!
Jeff Tompkins said…
I read that guy's manifesto when the whole thing was going down last week. He wrote about protecting the planet and its rightful inhabitants (animals only, no humans) and listed "froggies."

Yes, froggies.

It's not often that you hear about a crazed gunman referring to animals the way a 3 year-old would. It kind of takes some of the fear out of the whole thing, you know?
nonamedufus said…
Quirks: Wow, no kidding? I've never seen the show. Maybe I should tune in. You know, to keep, erm, abreast of developments.
nonamedufus said…
Everyday Goddess: Yeah, heh, heh. or "So You Think You Can Be A Suicide Terrorist" and he who blows himself up first wins. The judges might have to move further away from the stage, though.
nonamedufus said…
Mandy: Yeah, cheese curd. It's part of my national identity.
00dozo said…
Sounds like he was on the outer limits of his twilight zone.
nonamedufus said…
Vicki: Sorry don't know where to find the hearts on my keyboard. A thing? Like a hunchback, a third eye, a bad itch? What? Don't leave me hanging here.
nonamedufus said…
Jeff: Did the froggies come with glitter? Maybe Vicki knows him!
nonamedufus said…
00dozo: Ha, ha, very good. Very appropriate vintage TV show titles to describe a wacko! *cue weird music* "They're out there"
nonamedufus said…
cardiogirl: Sorry, there, I skipped right over your comment. I think Jon should get his own show Jon Plus 8. You know, the 8 call girls he's played around with since his split from Kate.
Tarheel Rambler said…
I'm starting to wonder if there is something being added to the water in the Northern Hemisphere, because the wackos are coming out of the woodwork. And many of them end up with their own "reality" show. Do television executives understand what the definition of 'reality' is? Because these shows don't have anything to do with reality as I understand it.

I have more to say, but my dog just whispered in my ear that it's time for me to take her to meet her friend from the dog planet that's stopping by after a visit to Venus.
Dot-Com said…
Oh dear, what extremes some people will go to!
nonamedufus said…
Tarheel Ramble:
1) Actually, it's the air.
2) TV producers are the last to know what reality is. Haven't you seen "Network"?
3) Good luck with that interstellar dog thing. What does a dog from another planet say? "We come in Pekingese!"
nonamedufus said…
Dot-Com: That's got it in a nutshell! (ha, ha, ha, no pun intended but I like it : "nut" shell.)
Donnie said…
Hell, I'm still trying to figure out why people say this guy was sick. Sounded like the only thing he forgot to think about was police using live ammo.
Oh, I do love your blog though. Thanks.
nonamedufus said…
Yeah he didn't do anything any one of us wouldn't have done because we were upset with what's on television!

I'm glad you were okay with my taking your name in vain. I'm happy I made your short list.
Ziva said…
Personally, I would love to know what sort of programs encourage human sterilization and infertility. If nothing else it could be good for a laugh or two.
nonamedufus said…
Ziva: Ya see! The guy's demands should have been to make programs about sterilization and infertility instead of having a death wish. Oh, I guess he would have had a death wish either way, eh?
vickilikesfrogs said…

You mean I finally know how to do something computer-ish that other people more computer-y than me don't??? OH HAPPY DAY!

Ok, seriously, to do the hearts, you press the alt key and the 3 at the same time. Won't work without a keypad, tho. you guys think the hearts are cheesy? I was thinking about dropping them.
vickilikesfrogs said…
Dufus - oh yeah, I didn't answer your question, did I? A "thing" like, for some unknown and unexplainable reason, Canadian bloggers are freakin awesome! I never knew.
nonamedufus said…
Vicki: I'm on an iMac and alt 3 is £. Do you think you could be pound Vicki pound instead of heart Vicki heart?
nonamedufus said…
(Heart) Vicki (Heart): Oh, I thought you were talking about that bad rash we all got from Nicky at We Work For Cheese.
vickilikesfrogs said…
Dufus: only if you kiss me first!

(groans in despair at her own bad joke)
nonamedufus said…
(Heart) Vicki (Heart): Geez, there's no kiss on my keyboard either.
vickilikesfrogs said…
LOL!!! Ok, you win. I can't think of anything to say to that. Anything at all.
nonamedufus said…
(Heart) Vicki (Heart): Aw, that's too bad 'cause I ♥ messin' with ya.
brookeamanda said…
I couldn't believe it when this story was breaking last week. Out of all the companys to have a beef with, your going to pick the Discovery Channel?! He totally deserved to get the face.
nonamedufus said…
brookeamanda: I know. What's next? Animal Planet?
vickilikesfrogs said…
Dufus! How'dja make the ♥ ?!
nonamedufus said…
♥ Vicki ♥: I cut and pasted the ♥ from your name! My momma didn't raise any dummies. Well, except for my middle brother, Forrest, but we don't talk much about him.
Unknown said…
Great post. Kate just needs to go away.

nonamedufus said…
Brahm (alfred lives here): I'm with you. We're on the road to Kate overload. Kate Plus 8, Dancing With The Stars, Entertainment Tonight. What's next? Ice Road Truckers?
Linda said…
Great story. You do come up with some doozies (spelling? I don't think I've typed doozies before).
Anyway, good stuff!
nonamedufus said…
Linda: Thanks for dropping over. Yeah, I'm a doozie dufus!
Great post. Kate just needs to go away.

commoncents said…

I like your blog - keep up the great work!!

Common Cents

ps. Link Exchange??
Jeff said…
I read that guy's manifesto when the whole thing was going down last week. He wrote about protecting the planet and its rightful inhabitants (animals only, no humans) and listed "froggies."

Yes, froggies.

It's not often that you hear about a crazed gunman referring to animals the way a 3 year-old would. It kind of takes some of the fear out of the whole thing, you know?
Tarheel Rambler said…
I'm starting to wonder if there is something being added to the water in the Northern Hemisphere, because the wackos are coming out of the woodwork. And many of them end up with their own "reality" show. Do television executives understand what the definition of 'reality' is? Because these shows don't have anything to do with reality as I understand it.

I have more to say, but my dog just whispered in my ear that it's time for me to take her to meet her friend from the dog planet that's stopping by after a visit to Venus.

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