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Pause Ponder and Pun

It's that time of the week again.  I provide the pic and you provide the caption.  Don't let this opportunity go to waste.  You snooze you lose and your chance to win will go right down the crapper.

You know the drill.  Leave your captions in the comments section and feel free to leave as many as you like between now and end of day Friday.

Then come on back Saturday to see which lucky captioner will be flush with victory.

See ya then.


Moooooog35 said…
Moooooog35 said…
When cannibals poo.
Donnie said…
Sorry you have to take another bath in the toilet Johnny, but mommy still can't figure out what to do with the stuff in the tub.
Out of the crapper, the original brat was born....
ba_hutch said…
Look at that big pile of the tub!
ba_hutch said…
"Moooooommy...the foot plunger got stuck!!! Help me outta here and take care of your own logjam!"
Canadian Blend said…
This is worse than New York's problem with rats coming up through the plumbing.
Anonymous said…
No entry.

But what a clever idea! Using the tub for storage.

Hmm. I wonder if we could get away with that. Always looking for more storage space. hee hee

OMGawsh I gotta. Word Veri: pighord

I kid you NOT! hee hee
RA said…
Bawl! Mom, pleae, don't flush, I promise to behave! I promise! Moooom!
00dozo said…
21st Century version of the Plague of the Firstborn.
00dozo said…
The Revenge of the Flushed Goldfish
Chris said…
Little Jimmy felt a bit flushed.
Chris said…
The inspiration for Harry Chapin's first draft . . .

"The kid's in the crapper and he smells like poo;

His sister just flushed and he lost his left shoe;

When can I get out, dad? I don't know when;

But you'll take a shower then, son, you know you'll take a shower then."
Anonymous said…
Ziva said…
You have to make up your mind, Timmy, up or down, because I'm closing the lid now.
Ziva said…

"Mommy!! Daddy dropped the baby again!"
Ziva said…
This is probably where that guy got the inspiration for "The Human Centipede."
renalfailure said…
Little Jimmy finds out the hard way that his real father is the Ty-D-Bol man.
i just swam up from China and boy are my arms tired.
Jen said…
These entries are hilarious! I suck at captioning but what the hell is in the tub? Are these up and coming hoarders?
Brian Miller said…
dady, do i have to take part in the foot washing ceremony again...
Tom said…
i couldn't find the cell phone, but here's those Legos i threw in last week!
Tgoette said…
But Mommy, I want to go see NEMO!!!!
Tgoette said…
The toilet monster ate up my poo and I'm going after it!
00dozo said…
Revenge of the Turds.

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