What a show! No pictures as cameras weren't allowed, but the music was simply great. Our seats were somewhat special. We were off to the side of the stage, in the fifth-highest row - Row 415 - whew. The air was kinda thin up there, but we could see the stage, hear the music, and watch the band on a giant screen. It was an excellent concert. Maryse, Joanne, Philippe and I had a great time. Maryse and I stayed at the Novotel Hotel, just a block away from Centre Bell, although I confess even at that distance my leg and hip gave out before we got there and trekked to the top of the arena.
The concert was the second in a row The Police gave in Montreal. Here's a review of night one from the Montreal Gazette. http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/news/arts/story.html?id=2d4e36c2-4c3f-49a7-80ca-8b0284647c39
While in Montreal I finally got to see Philippe's apartment. Here's a picture of it from the outside(That's Philippe coming down the stairs!), and of Philippe and Alexandre, and of Maryse at the kitchen table.
We did a lot of going back and forth dropping off Joanne, picking up Phlippe, etc. Here are some pictures from our travels... starting with Brian Mulroney's former favourite hangout, the Ritz Carlton...
Book: Lost Souls by Michael Collins
Music: Chutes Too Narrow by The Shins