Fiona and Frank Fiddler are in love. Fully. Completely. They must be. Fiona and Frank Fiddler have 14 children, all whose names begin with the letter "F". You know how parents with just a few children mix them up and run through their names until they hit on the right one? One can just imagine the scene at the Fiddler dinner table. "Fred, Francis, Frank Jr. get your elbows off the table." "Fatima, Faith, Fannie stop picking your nose." "Farah, Fawn, Fay...which effin one are you again? Never mind, just pass the fish."
Before I forget I should share how this all began. Fiona and Frank met in Fiji, each while on vacation. Over a chance encounter and a fruity drink at the Hotel Fairmont bar they fell hopelessly in love. As the Beatles would say 'It would be a love that would last forever'.
Back home in Fredericksburg, Texas Fiona and Frank quickly became Mr and Mrs Fiddler. And while neither of them were musicians, it soon became obvious to family and friends they certainly knew how to fiddle around.
Fiona was a financial planner and Frank sold fridges and they managed to buy a four-bedroom bungalow in which to start a family. If they worried about whether or not they could get pregnant they needn't have. Frank Jr, their first-born proved them fertile. Fatima, their fourteenth proved them good Catholics. If their faith were based on their fertility then Fiona and Frank Fiddler already each had one fecund foot in heaven.
The scene around the TV after dinner was a sight to behold. The family would spread out on a collection of feathered futons and watch their favourite show together, Family Feud. Then they'd watch X-Files. They especially liked Fox Mulder, although, sometimes they found this show a little frightening and a little far-fetched...but they wanted to believe. Finally, before the little ones flew off to bed they all watched repeats of Fantasy Island.
And with that this funny little fable of fertile Fiona and Frank Fiddler and family comes to an end. Finally. As the French would say 'finis'.
This week the folks at Studio30+ ran with fecund/fertile as their writing prompt.