Betty and Barb were quite pleased with themselves. After three years of Agriculture College they were ready to put their studies to the test. Who said blondes weren't smart.
They first applied to a pineapple farm but thought the work was too prickly.
Then they tried working on a vineyard but quit expressing sour grapes.
Two openings were found on a vegetable farm but after a while they felt they'd bean there done that.
They then went to work on a banana plantation but soon felt it didn't have enough appeal.
They got really excited when they learned of jobs on a fig farm but then got disappointed they couldn't get any dates.
They placed ads for a job harvesting corn but their pleas fell on deaf ears.
Then Barb told Betty of jobs she'd come across that she was sure they'd succeed at. Betty wasn't so sure.
"These jobs are tailor made for us" she said. There's a couple of sweet openings on a sugar beet farm."
"What makes you think we'll last in these jobs?" inquired Betty.
"Because it's an all girl work force" replied Barb. "They're looking for people to work in their chicanery."
I'm back. This week's prompt from Studio30+ is fraud/chicanery - much like this post. But I mean that in the nicest way. Click on the link and see what others came up with this week.