A couple of administrative items before we get to the good stuff. First up, I was presented with an award this week. Ol Count Sneaky stopped by and dropped off his Bronze Award "...for whatever" because he liked my James Bond parody Dufus, Noname Dufus. Said Sneaky:
James Bond apparently had no problems in the testosterone department,
but most of us mere mortals do at one time or another, so it's vital that we call on our "sawbones" once a year for a prostate exam. Your take on this exam is hilarious and you deserve recognition for bringing it up, and none the least for making it funny. So, I'm awarding you the coveted(?) and rarely awarded(?) Count Sneaky Bronze Award For Whatever...Enjoy.
My best.
Well, thanks Count. That's deeply appreciated.

The second item I'd like to share with you is I've started another blog. dufus daze - noname notions is meant to be a collection of opinions and observations. I may not always be funny over there, so my posts best belong somewhere other than my nonamefufus blog. I hope you'll drop by and leave me a comment. I think you'll like it. I'll be posting it to my Google+ account as well, where you're welcome to add me to your "circles".

Okay, on to today's business...our caption contest.

Damn, you gravity!!
Evel Knievel: The Early Years
It's a good thing I'm already a paraplegic, or this would hurt.
Now Madge should win an award for just the number of submissions this week. One of them was this week's winner...
I'll never smoke weed with Wheelie again.

Way to go Madge. You be hangin' with dufus. What say you and I settle back and enjoy this great country song...
Congrats and great commenting to my fellow contestants.
And of course a hearty congratulations to Madge and the honorable mentions. Always fun to read and always a sure laugh at where people's humor go!
Thanks for the mention, dufus and I will be sure to check out your new blog.
Congrats on the award too. Big week over at dufus' place.
1. I am not happy (like you care), need a recount....
2. Congrats for the Dracula award !
3. Google+ any invites?
2. Thanks, I think.
3. I need friends. I'm on Google+ as John Bray
And, congrats Cheryl! Gravity sucks, literally, but it worked for you for an honourable.
Thanks, again, dufus!
3. All I have to do is find John Bray?
3. All I have to do is find John Bray?
2. Yep...on Facebook too!
2. Google+ if you have an account you have to send others invites! Facebook I'll check.