I don't know if you saw this or not but NASA intends to send a spacecraft straight into the sun next year. And President Trump wants to be on board. POTUS considers himself an expert on space which should come as no surprise considering the amount to be found between his ears. Scientists, affected by the Trump cutbacks, are debating whether or not to stroke his ego and tell him he'll be hot stuff, literally.
Here in Canada the CSA, or Canadian Space Agency (What? we have one), is preparing for a mission of their own. They intend to send Prime Minister Trudeau to the fourth planet from the sun, Mars. As you know speculation abounds as to the possibility of life on Mars. Just ask David Bowie. Oh, too late. Nevertheless Canadian scientists, who still hold their jobs in Canada, are interested in finding a new source of selfies for our PM.
The CSA originally had its sights, and telescopes, set on the ringed planet, but then changed their minds when they learned the average temperature on this planet was minus 185 degrees celsius - about the same as a Canadian winter. After all, they thought, Saturn in December would have been rather gloomy.
The prompt for Two Word Tuesday is saturnine/gloomy this week. Much like the pun in this post.