Before today's business, a correction. Last Monday was Victoria Day in Canada and for some reason I got it into my head that it was also Memorial Day in the States. Of course today is Memorial Day. My apologies. Although, if I think of those veterans who gave their lives in the name of freedom two weeks in a row I guess there's nothing wrong with that. Now on with the show... *** Canada's Minister of Finance was thinking out loud the other day. Which tells us Canadians he can be a thoughtful person. Who knew? He was ruminating on the future of the Canadian penny. Yeah that's right, the bane of my tailor's existence - the guy that has to sew my damaged pockets because I carry too much change around. Jim Flaherty says Canadians hoard pennies. Well, yeah. For most of us we keep them in jars at home rather than our pockets or purses. Apparently there are about 30 billion pennies in circulation in Canada but the ...