On the weekend I posted about South of the Border and the billboards on the highway we encountered driving back to Canada from Florida. Located in Dillon, South Carolina, South of the Border started out almost 60 years ago as a beer stand. Over the years it steadily grew to become, you might say, the Kingdom of Kitsch. I didn't take pictures of all the billboards through South Carolina on I-95. But I have found some others, from over the years, on Google Pics. Enjoy! Other billboards included the following themes: * Pedro's Weather Forecast: Chili today, hot tamale. * Keep America Green! Bring Money! * Keep yelling, kids! (They'll stop.) * Sommtheeng Deeferent * Honeymoon Suites: Heir Conditioned * Fort Pedro, Fireworks Capital of the US * Etymologically Correck! * Howdy, Pardner! * Top Banana! * Pedro's fireworks! Does yours?